Fifty-Four Years of Musical Excellence
Organized as a community band in the early 1970s, the Ogden Concert Band was declared by the 1994 Ogden City Mayor to be "Ogden's Concert Band". Today the group's 60 members include professional and semi-professional musicians from throughout the region. Our goal continues to be to achieve and maintain a professional level of musicianship. Performances include selections from a variety of musical styles and periods with something for all - youngsters to senior citizens. The band is committed to its mission to enhance the educational, cultural and entertainment opportunities in our community through outstanding performance of instrumental music.
Taking into account rehearsal hours, administrative activities and performance, band members contribute over 7,000 volunteer hours each year. It is our tradition to perform our concerts free of charge to the public in particular, large families, retired citizens and others on limited or fixed budgets are afforded an opportunity to attend a quality, live concert band without concern for cost.
The Ogden Concert Band schedules two to three formal concerts each year. These concerts are performed at Ogden High School Auditorium and Weber State University in Ogden. In addition, the band performs summer concerts in Weber and Davis counties and combined concerts with area high school bands.